The Alliance for Addiction and Mental Health Services, Maine (the Alliance) is recognized by legislators, the Governor’s office, other administrative leaders and other health care and behavioral health entities as Maine’s leader representing behavioral health providers. Alliance members are viewed as experts in the field and their input and opinions are highly valued.
Full Membership in the Alliance is open to SAMHS licensed treatment agencies in both Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder treatment and recovery services.
Associate membership is available to individuals and organizations involved in prevention or recovery, and with an interest in making a positive difference in behavioral health services.
Membership in the Alliance includes full membership in the National Council for Behavioral Health, which is the leading national association advocating on behalf of behavioral health providers nationwide. Other Agency Member benefits related to the National Council Membership include:
- Access to the largest advocacy network of behavioral health providers in the country.
- An opportunity to apply for ground-breaking new practice improvement initiatives.
- Access to leading consultants, trainers, and other field experts on relevant and timely topics such as compliance and risk management, healthcare integration, healthcare reform operationalization and strategic planning, HIT, EHR, and more.
- Member discounts for Mental Health First Aid trainings, learning management systems, the National Council bookstore, and JOBank postings.
- Access to the National Council Member list serve.
- An opportunity to apply for the prestigious National Council Awards of Excellence.
Membership in the Alliance also includes full membership for Board Members in the Maine Association of Nonprofits, which advocates for the nonprofit sector in Maine and provides many direct benefits which include tools for:
- Organizational development and compliance
- Board development training
- Leadership development and transition support
- Legal and risk management
The Alliance supports its Members by directly providing a variety of services:
Advocacy – Connections to Maine
- Important decisions are made almost every day in Maine that directly impact the field. The Alliance works year round with legislators, the Department of Health and Human Services and others to shape policy and budget before it is set. You will receive timely updates during the legislative session.
- Our legislative activities and events at the State House highlight our member agencies at the State House and provide an important opportunity for your agency to showcase your services and contributions to Maine.
- The Alliance is a member of the Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP), and participates in the collective voice of the MANP Advocacy Network.
- Advocacy related to public policy, regulations and legislation at the state and federal levels.
Advocacy – Connections to Washington
- Periodic updates and alerts from Washington related to how Congress and the Administration are affecting the field through policy and budget.
- Legislative monitoring and action alerts from our Maine delegation in Washington, D.C.
Access to a dynamic information highway
- You’ll be on our communication track for important information through electronic and other communications.
- Newsletters, alerts, and information about substance use prevention, treatment and recovery, funding opportunities, and updates linking you with the most current news in substance use disorders and addictions.
- Member discounts through the National Council.
- Real time, proprietary Member’s Only information.
Networking: Sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know.
- Opportunities to meet your colleagues at monthly meetings. Networking provides you with new ideas and an expanded circle of valuable contacts.
- Networking opportunities, work groups and committees influencing critical issues.
- Relationship building and joint advocacy with a wide array of stakeholders working on a common vision and outcomes.
Highlighting your agency:
- A marketing tool for your agency – links that will highlight your organization.
- Public awareness and enhanced marketing to policy makers, communities, and individuals and families seeking services.
- Recognition from the field.
- Highlight your agency on the Alliance web site.
Making Employment and Career Connections:
- Direct recruiting on the Alliance Job Bank provides agencies and job seekers with a starting place to look for that perfect match.
- Workforce development resources for agencies and individuals – current licensing regulations for agencies and individuals.