Resources for People in Need of Basic Assistance
- Consumers for Affordable Health Care is designated as Maine’s Health Insurance Consumer Assistance Program. People can find up-to-date information on coverage options and changes being made to insurance in the effort to combat COVID-19 on CAHC’s website.
- Have questions on how to access programs such as MaineCare, TANF, Food Supplement, and Child Care Subsidy? Visit: Accessing Assistance Through Maine DHHS (PDF)
- Do you qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits? Helpful Blog Resource
- Link to the Mainers Together page – It connects you with volunteers and services you might need or finding ways for you to donate your time and services to others during this crisis.
- Maine Equal Justice has a page with safety net resources for Mainers.
The Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition (MIRC) is leading the immigrant community response emergency effort. In order to provide a culturally sensitive response effort, they are working with the coalition and community members to provide New Mainers with COVID-19 resources in multi-languages. Click here to read more and access resources
- Maine Public Health Association has a web page with resources.
- Maine Equal Justice : Questions about unemployment Insurance call Sue @ 207-626-7058.
- Southern Maine Workers’ Center Resources for workers.
- BIPOC Resources in Maine
Live Another Day